Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

will wait

Hye Young: Do you feel your heart throbbing when I hug you?
Jae Suk: No, I don’t feel my heart throbbing when you hug me.
Hye Young: See! That’s our relationship. We absolutely couldn’t become lovers.
Jae Suk: Sigh! Yes. You are right! I don’t feel my heart throbbing when I hold you tight. However, I really feel good and comfortable when I embrace you. In front of you, I am not shy and I don’t hide myself. I am not afraid that you see my weakness. Do you think that 3 months romance is more than the trust and intimation built up in 30 years? Do you think that our relationship is common and easily formed in this world? Please consider more. I will wait for you! There are still lots of time!

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hihihi.. lu nonton ga dramanya? menurut gw sih bagus.. apalagi lu dokter mungkin lebih bisa relate tuh kekeke.. *promo OBGYN mode on*