Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Happy New Year : 2009

Yey yey yey....
She's Back!!
You go, Girl!!

Britney Spears’ Quotes from Glamour Magazine:

“In five years I would like to be married and have a father figure for my kids, someone who is a provider and can be really stable.”

“As a mother, you can never be enough – or do enough – for your kids. It’s a never-ending issue for me.”

“I would like to stop worrying so much, because I worry all the time. And to learn how to be happier just in general.”

“I don’t like going out. I hate clubs. I love my home and staying in bed.”

i have a dream.. fot the brit's first quote about father for her kids... i really hope that would be Justin Timberlake. hehehe. just my dream, but if it comes true... i'd be the happiest person in the wold, of course with Honeysuckle and Chie "(^o^)"

....to sweet....

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