Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Rainism tweets by Faela Shafa

copas dari notes nya ERIA di FB. bisa diliat di blog nya ERIA

Do you know Faela Shafa?
Yeah, she watched Jeong 'Rain' Ji-Hoon concert in Mangga Dua Square.
Do you wanna see her tweets about it?
Ha, I'll be happy to share it to you! :DD
Here it goes..

Panggung rain keren! Oke oke!
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Jong ji hoo LUCU ABWESHHH! Mampus gw abege lagee haha bodo amats!
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Iya nanti ya, yg pasti dy lucu bgt!!RT @isniismail: @shafasapilagi nonton Rain ya? ceritain doong pleeaseeeeee :(
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

@eriamufida iya er mahal, tp lucu doi! Haha g nyambung!
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete in reply to eriamufida

Dia buka baju dan mulai joget2 menggemaskan. HOAHAHAHA! Malem ini gw banci tweet!
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Ih rain grepe2 dancernya.. *iri* *sirik* hahaha
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Suaranya bagus kok dan jogetnya smooth syekalehhh..
about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

about 4 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Sebelah gw ntn tp kyk membatu. Dy trlalu amaze apa? Mbak amazenya tar aja.skrg nikmatin dulu
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Dan dia menggoyangkan pantat dgn sepenuh seksinya. HE'S STRIPTEASING!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Senyumnyaaaa oh tuhan oh tuhan!!!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Dia nari uler dan loncat dr ktinggian semeter trus beguling2. Kyk sirkus ye?
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Dancer ladiesnya seksi2 bgt dah. Nice outfit!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Sekarang dia udah pake singlet doang sodara2. He's a good dancer thou!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Six pack of rain show in a second. Ppl get crraaazzy!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

I like his expression(s)!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Dia mulai narik2 baju dr dadanya oh no oh no! @nancylovesjazz
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Udah lepek keringet doi. Dgn singlet yg rendah dada. Seksi? Oh yeah!!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

MJ FROM SEOUL. Hakhakhak
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Keributan terjadi. Doi melempar anduk. Tangkep dong tep!*semena2 @stefanietephi
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

He's half naked, wet and dancing. MATI GUEHHHH!
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Barusan rain buka bj n maen ujan2an. Ampun! @nancylovesjazz
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

He's a great dancer! *How many times i've said that?
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Barusan dia joget gaya lo tan! *tangan menyusuri badan lewat dada* hahaha! @tentesaermetes
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Bad boysnya @faizamalia mana ni? Im so ready to dance like you told me to, is!xp
about 3 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Depan gw ada yg bawa teropong! Gak boong gw!
about 2 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

@faizamalia oke is, gw dah berjoget bad boys spt yg lo ajarin. Anw,judul laguny trnyta rainism,xp
about 2 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Anonoh tp kamu tetep tereak kan, haha! RT
about 2 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

He's now doing 'we-want-more' concert. And he's definitely looks sexy in RED!
about 2 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Nikmatin ko,tp emg kondusif bwt twittan,xpRT @stef_tara: @shafasapi bo,lo nonton konser apa ga si??twiterran mulu..nikmatin si..
about 2 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

Kak @disidinadici mau yg sepulu juta dong.dapet anduk basah n cipratan ludahnya rain. Hahaha
about 1 hour ago from Mobile Tweete

@eriamufida @FatimatuzZahra udah neng neng, ni lg otw pulangs, hehe
about 1 hour ago from Mobile Tweete

Maap2 ya tweeple timeline kalian penuh ama twit gw. Haha. *piss*
about 1 hours ago from Mobile Tweete

2 komentar:

Eria Mufida mengatakan...

lo kok tau blog gw nyaa ti? bingung. eh gw mau doong customize blog yg kek ginii cuma gw gaptek hikihik..

faela shafa mengatakan...

Aheemmm, faela shafa's here. Sumpah uti, di blog nya eri lebi najis lg. Hahahaha.
Mw gw bagi2 lg? GOYANG PANTAT RAIN SADIS GILA2AN. Hahahahahahaw!xp